The long walk here had limbered her up well for a climb. Only one idea in her mind as she gazes upwards. The soft red glow of the dish lights started to illuminate her cruel beauty. Twisting her lovely face with each dim and blink of existence from the bulbs. Low mist below gave an illusion of an ocean if she were to look down. But why do that? Calloused hands gripped metal, body swinging as she propels herself upward through the rusted supports. The ladder far behind, somewhere in the empty building a rock falls.
A free kill! A little freedom? My hearts racing again- For me?
For you. Who did that sort of thing for someone? Especially her. This was nowhere the same as Mason. Some part of her seemed to sting for having compared them.
2 different monsters. She reminded herself. but- those thick boots are near silent on the concrete as she circles below
The latch to the dish is covered in lichen she has to claw away, her hands turning green and black. Heaving it open to crawl into this almost arena like place. Had she not had something in mind for her victim already she might have let the man go so she could fight. But when she saw who it was. Carol was glad she didn't have to fight it. There was a certain loss of fun to that. But the Gangrel was tied up for her like a present.
She takes her knife out, swirling it into place with a soft click of metal. A calm eerie joy was eating at her, the madness she compartmentalized in those snuff rooms itching to be out. Her aim is true and the silver blade cuts clean through the rope holding up up there. Already moving before the blade had even touched the material, springy steps and outstretched arms have her diving through the air in a flip. Catching the blade between her teeth without a single scratch. Laughing as she takes the blade from her mouth.
clANG Metal chains and the weight of the kindred hit the dish.
Each echo of her cruel hyena laugh crackled through the quiet, echoing off the sides of the dish. With no mask to hide her face Lambs lit aglow in the slow blinking of the red lights. Face flushed with excitement. Her grin was too wide for her cheeks. And for all the mania upon her face she moved with calm cold assurance. A predator circling prey to play with. That's what she did, approaching and circling tight around him. Taking off her jacket and tossing it to the side. Giving a few sharp kicks as she liked to watch him squirm. The blade twirling in one hand.
'How many times have I promised you?' The warmth of her voice makes the man at her boots pause. 'The moment your simpering pups touched me I said I would come back for you. And I didn't even have to!' Some muffled reply, Lamb tsks and uses the knife to cut away the mask on his face. Slicing into the side of his head for it. The smell of vitae was still different then the copper she remembered. A few sharp and hard punches force him onto his back. There's something coming forth in her frosty black gaze. Something burning into the Gangrel liked the fury that ate her life away. She sits on his pelvis, ungloved hand pushing up his shirt to expose the skin of his stomach. Their eyes were locked.
'You must have been so humiliated~ I wonder how easy it must have been for him. You sold Me remember? And now youre mine.' The tip of its blade is dragged to the far extremes of his gut, biting in at the tip as she tested the flesh. 'Did you watch all of my movie? I was really proud of that one. She'd run over some kid. Had put out an ad for an ending. And that specific movie' With a hard sthunk her hand pulls back and drives into his stomach, a snarl behind the gag. 'Was just for me. Now I wonder, do you need your relief? I'll be that relief. I will take on those sins and free you with the final agony you so crave. You were promised to me, wrapped and signed.' The gloved hand grips and parts the fat of the Gangrel's gut. He gave a strangled scream. Leaning back to admire the glisten of guts inside. It all seemed so... still. A new discovery. "Walking corpses. Suffering, antagonizing, devouring. Blood drinking predators. And yet-' The knife has fallen to the side forgotten. Her hands begin to dig through his stomach. Pulling out intestines and wriggling her arms elbow deep. Ear pressed flat to his chest, hugging the intestines below his ribs. There's a bright dreamy glow to her as the torturer wiggles her fingers against his insides. Dragging nails over organs, squeezing a kidney. When he screams and thrashes beneath her she only shifts to grip at his interior. 'Monsters still feel human on the inside.~ I was wondering about that. What made us different. But I was proved wrong.' Unlike the kine she usually tortured, this Gangrel could take far more. Was all too aware of the intrusive touch. Her body was burning hot in comparison to the cold of his corpse. His eyes were rolling. Lamb was shoulder deep at this point, her hands having clawed deeper. 'Tell me you want me to save you from this existence. Death is only a step. The last rest you've been waiting for. We are all just flesh arent we monster?'
Black hair was shaking raggedly from the kindred, bobbing as he nodded. Slobbering pleads behind his gag. Slowly she dragged her bloody arms out of his torso, biting at her lip at the expression she was seeing on his face. The roll of his eyes, the mix of blood and drool down his chin. Lamb relished in his agony, all the stress from the last several days. Thinking of only escape and how to take down Sabin seemed so small now. Seemed so silly now.
Bloody hands take up the knife and lean forward to cut the gag free.
'Tell it to me, ask for your final rites.'
There was hard bloody pants from the kindred. His head had thrown back after she’d freed his mouth, trying to gulp air to speak. An unseeing agony in his eyes meets Sabins for a moment before Lamb takes a fistful of his shirt and drags him up, head rolling to meet her gaze.
'y-yes, I deserve it.'is the small pathetic answer. It doesnt really satisfy her. His torso his the ground and he cries out. The gangrel was too shaken to give her a proper reply.
'You do. But I think I deserve more than what Ive gotten.'

Lamb plunges her hand back into his body, squirming it around and into his rib cage. The Gangrels howls are piercing but the killer won't be stopped. Her ungloved hand finds that dimly beating heart. And she tears it out, pressing his lungs out of the way so she can remove it. This wasnt the first time she had pulled someones heart out. But it was the first time that she was going to eat it.
As it began to do its final convulsions Lamb brought it to her mouth and bit into the tough meat of muscle. Fanged incisors digging in and tearing into it for a large bite. Her eyes on the Gangrel as his final death came to him. Lamb began to feast quickly on the heart, the man had begun to ash. The taste of his dying vitae kept her eating until there was nothing but ash beneath her kneeling figure and vitae still dripping from her lips.